Leg Press - Phase 4
Le Press - Phase 4 - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5 : Now we'll be hitting the leg press, another great compound exercise for building size for the quads, but will also bring in your hamstrings and glutes. But we'll be focusing more on the quads today as the hams were already worked earlier in the week. To maximise hitting the quads, have the feet fairly down low on the plate with a nice wide stance and your toes slightly out. Always have a soft knee and never lock it. It's really important to have a full range of motion here to promote full development. In Hypertrophy Phase 2, aim for 3 sets of 12, 10 and 8 reps with 2 minutes rest in between to keep the intensity high so we can get a lot of volume done within the hour of training. - Nick Jones - World Bodybuilding Champion & Joel Ramintas - Natural Bodybuilder