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Donkey Calf Raise - Phase 4
Donkey Calf Raise - Phase 4  - Hypertrophy Phase 2 - Day 5: This is the final exercise for the calves; the donkey calf raise. Some gyms have a specific machine, but in this case we're using the hack squat machine. This is a great finishing movement for the calves, especially for the gastroc, the medial top muscle of the calves. Maintaining a soft but locked knee, come down nice, slow and controlled before driving through the balls of the feet to the top of the movement. Finish Hypertrophy Phase 2 for the calves strong with this third exercis and with 3 sets of 15, 12 and 10 reps. Don't forget to pryamid the weight up with each set. - Nick Jones - World Bodybuilding Champion & Joel Ramintas - Natural Bodybuilder
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