Tri Sets Legs & Quads - Leg Press & Duck Squats
Advanced Training - Phase 5 - Triset #1 - Quads: Leg Press/Duck Squat/Leg Press. For the first leg press, aim for 8 reps with a closer stance as you'll be doing the wider stance duck squat next. The knees should follow the line of the toes and should not lock at the top. Moving onto the duck squat for 8 reps. A wider stance is used and the toes should point out slightly. Finish the triset off with 6 reps or till failure on the leg press. Remember to go full range of motion. Aim for 2 sets for beginner-intermediate trainers and 3 sets for the more advanced. Nick Jones - World Bodybuilding Champion & Mario de Vega - Natural Bodybuilder