Tri Sets Legs & Quads - Leg Extension & Hack Squats
Advanced training - Phase 5 - Triset #2 - Quads: Leg Extension/Hack Squats/Leg Extension. For the first leg extension, aim for 10 reps as it is an isolation movement. It is important to set the machine up so that the back is flush against the seat and the leg pad is just above the ankles. Moving on to the hack squat for 8 reps. Use a shoulder width stance and avoid locking the knees at the top to keep tension on the quads. Finish the triset off with 6-8 reps of the leg extension using the same weight. Aim for 2 sets for beginner-intermediate trainers & 3 sets for the the more advanced. Nick Jones - World Bodybuilding Champion & Mario de Vega - Natural Bodybuilder