Tri Sets Chest - Incline Bench Press & Incline Fly
Advanced Training - Phase 5 - Triset #1 Chest: Incline Barbell Press/Incline Dumbbell Flyes/Incline Barbell Press. For the first incline barbell press, aim for 8 reps. Elbows out to the side to activate the chest &∓ drive the weight up. Moving to the incline dumbbell flyes, aim for 8 reps. Use a moderate to heavy weight & keep constant tension on the chest. Straight back to the incline barbell press till failure with 1-2 forced reps for more advanced trainers. A partner is crucial for this third exercise. Aim for 2 sets for beginner-intermediate trainers & 3 for the more advanced. Nick Jones - World Bodybuilding Champion & Sasho Ognenovski - Natural Bodybuilder∓