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Tri Sets Calves - Donkey Calf Raise & Standing Calf Raise
Advanced Training - Phase 5 - Triset #2 - Calves: Standing Calf Raise/Donkey Calf Raise/Standing Calf Raise. For the first standing calf raise, we're looking at doing 10 reps. This exercise will really hit the gastrocs. Moving to the donkey calf raise for 10 reps. If there is no donkey calf raise machine, you can use a hack slide as you still get a bend in the hips. Finish the triset off with 6-8 reps or  till failure for the standing calf raise. Aim for 2 sets for beginner-intermediate trainers and 3 sets for the more advanced. Nick Jones - World Champion Bodybuilder & Mario de Vega - Natural Bodybuilder

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