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Rich Gaspari - Positive Attitude
An interview with Rich Gaspari on postive attitudes - Many people frown on adversities. I always look at something bad that happens to me and turn it into a possible. I always say you have to look at a glass half full. If you go into anything you do with a positive outlook, you will be successful. If you talk to people positively and sound like a positive person, people will follow you and believe you. You have to believe you're a positive person. When I started Gaspari Nutrition, I knew very little about the supplement industry. I know about it as a bodybuilder, because I wanted to take great products that worked. A lot of times it was very hard to figure out what products to take. So as someone who took supplements, I knew what I wanted, and that's what I did. I got into the supplement industry as a consumer to figure out what the consumer wanted. Rich Gaspari (Former Arnold Classic Champion & 3x Mr Olympia runner up) & Nick Jones (World Bodybuilding Champion).
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