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Phil Heath Interview - MuscleTech & Sponsorship
An Interview with Phil Heath On His Muscletech Sponsorship - When I first became a bodybuilder, Muscletech was everywhere. Every kid wanted to be a part of team Muscletech. I was very excited in 2010 to be part of the team. They supported me before I was Mr Olympia, so they obviously saw something around 2010 and they put in some energy into grabbing me. I had talked with Muscletech in years past but just was never able to do a deal. They got me after the Arnold Classic and told me, “We believe in you. Give our products a shot”. I agreed to try this out. They really do believe in me and they wanted and still want me to be the best ever.

Muscletech put a lot of money into research and they really have an amazing product line. The super concentrated series for example with Neurocore, Nanostim, Hydroxystim, with Neurocore being one of my favourites. For me, it was about being the best. I wanted the best results, so I had to be with the best, and they had a lot of champions. Jay Cutler, Branch Warren, and Dexter Jackson were a part of their team and I wanted to be a champion so I went where champions were made. Obviously their products work, otherwise they wouldn't have so many champions. Branch Warren, after a horrible injury still won the Arnold Classic. So taking the products clearly didn't hinder him.

Paul Gardiner and everyone in his company are very passionate. His staff, from the secretary to the person that is on the streets talking to distributors, all had some type of Muscletech product on their desk when I went to visit their offices. To be successful, you have to be around successful people. They're always ready to come out with new products. I'm getting free stuff from the best company in the world and what's better is, I'm getting them before my competition. Phil Heath - Mr Olympia & Nick Jones - World Bodybuilding Champion
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