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BSc Calm Stress Support
Calm Stress Support
Powered By: BSc Body Science

Calm The Mind

  • Reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety
  • Relieve sleeplessness
  • Support muscle health and strength
  • Aid post-exercise recovery
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Calm Stress Support is designed to help you find your calm so you can perform, recover thrive and live life better.
Are you wired and tired? Are you suffering from overtraining? In a high-stress job? A worrier? All of the above? Don't reach for another coffee - Calm Stress Support was created to make finding balance again easier.

Recovery is essential for any health, performance or weight loss goal, but it is impossible to recover or make progress if your body is in a constant state of stress. Calm Stress Support combines researched herbs and nutrients proven to promote a calm and positive mood, support mental focus, concentration, memory and increase your ability to cope with stress. A calm body is not only happier overall but also more willing to work with you in a fat-loss phase, push harder when you need it most, optimise energy levels and will have you working more efficiently in all areas of life.

Effects from Calm Stress Support can be noticed within one hour of intake and are best optimised when taken daily.

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