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Red Dragon Dragon Pump
Dragon Pump

Nootropic & Pump Formula

  • Contains Zero Caffeine
  • Scale-Splitting Pumps
  • No Artificial Colours
  • Alpha-GPC for Focus 


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Red Dragon Dragon Pump is the super-popular brand's version of a caffeine-free pre-workout. A well-thought through formula containing vaso-diolators as well as ingredients specific for maintaining optimal muscle hydration during your session making for heavy, full muscles during and after your workout.

With the addition of L-Tyrosine and Alpha-GPC - Dragon Pump can still increase mental focus without utilizing any stimulants such as caffeine. This is a perfect product for any time of day - even night without affecting sleep while still keeping the benefits of intense focus and an amazing mind-muscle connection.

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Red Dragon Dragon Pump
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  • What is the best flavour of Dragon Pump?

    At the time of writing, Dragon Pump comes in 3 flavour options. Stawberry Burst tastes like a strawberry Starburst and is extremely popular. Peach Hearts also shares its flavour with the candy of the same name. There is also an unflavoured option to mix with stim pre-workouts to maxamise pumps.

  • What nootropics are in Red Dragon Pump?

    Dragon Pump contains Alpha-GPC - a nootroopic responsible for mind-muscle connection. The amino acid L-Tyrosine has also been shown to increase mental focus.

  • How much caffeine is in Red Dragon Pump?

    Dragon Pump contains no caffeine making it a perfect option for late trainers as well as those sensitive to caffeine.

Red Dragon Dragon Pump
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