Performance & Energy Complex
- Caffeine Energy
- 3g of Creatine for Growth
- CarnoSyn & Betaine for Strength & Performance
- Banned Substance Tested

MusclePharm Assault provides bodybuilders, powerlifters, fighters and strength athletes with a pre workout powerhouse that promotes levels of performance that help you bust through plateaus. Consume assault prior to training, or sip on it during the first part of your workout. From your first serving onward, you may expect to experience a performance-boosting surge.
Unlike “stimulant-concentrated” formulas that hit hard and then leave you hanging like you just got mugged in a dark alley…Assault™ is there from start to finish.
Developed at the state of the art MusclePharm® Sports Science Center, Assault™ is the most researched pre-workout product on the market today. As athletes ourselves, we wanted it to do more than pack serious muscle-building power. We set the safety bar sky-high so other athletes know that they’re supporting their bodies with a great supplement.
Multiple clinical studies have been published proving that Assault™ increases performance effectively but safely. In the words of our research team, “Assault™ is a safe and effective supplement that can promote increases in strength, muscular endurance, energy, choice reaction, and agility while decreasing fatigue in healthy men.” We are proud to say that Assault™ is one of the only pre-workout products on the market that has certifications from Informed-Choice® as Banned Substance Free.
MusclePharm Assault
- If I am going to use it only twice weekly, do I still need a " 6 weeks on & 2 weeks off "" regimen ?
It is always recommended to cycle pre workouts, even if you use it once a week.
- it says on your website that you can take creatine as well as assult but assult already incudes 5g of creatine so would it be bad if i take 5g of monohydrate creatine as well as assult?
The new version of Assault actually no longer contains 5 g of creatine. It still does contain creatine, but in an undisclosed amount. For creatine to be effective it needs to be taken everyday (including non training days). A possible way to use creatine monohydrate is to use 2.5 g on training days (on top of the Assault), and a full 5 g on nontraining days.
- Is 6 weeks on and 2 weeks off a good cycle for Assualt (taking it 5 times a week), or should I take more time off it?
Yes, a 6 on 2 off cycle would be suitable for Assault.
- Is it ok to take the assault with creatine and glutamine?
Yes, absolutely. There is no harm in stacking those products together.
- Does assault contain any of the ingredients listed on the sports 2014 Australian Prohibited Substances list?
To the best of our knowledge, there are no ingredients in Assault that is on the Australian Prohibited Substances list.
- What is Assault?
Assault is a revolutionary Pre-Workout Matrix that meets hardcore athlete's needs. Assault uses many ingredients for muscle mass, strength, endurance and overall power.
- How should I take Assault?
Take Assault 1 scoop 15-30 minutes prior to workout. We suggest you do not take on an empty stomach, and also drink at minimum of 1 gallon of water per day.
- How long will the effect or pump last!?
Customers have experienced pumps that last as long as 2-3 hours after a workout. These pumps will last the entire time while on Assault.
- Will Assault help me build muscle mass also?
Our highly advanced combination of Creatines and Nitric Oxide proprietary blends will help allow you to train harder, longer, ensuring those extra needed reps to build muscle mass and strength.
- Are you sure this isn't just another knock off NO product that is already out there?
Assault is the only product on the market to combine entire formulas into one product giving you the new revolution in Pre-Workout Products. Assault has the highest dosed ingredient ratio guaranteeing you proper dosage per ingredient for maximum results.

Highly recommended.