Essential & Conditional Amino Acids
- 100% Pharmaceutical Grade EAA's
- Total of 13 Essential Aminos for Muscle Building & Recovery
- Natural with No Flavourings or Colourings
- HPLC Tested for Purity

Gen-Tec Nutrition Essential Amino Acids - Amino Acids are the building blocks of protein. There are twenty two amino acids involved in protein manufacture, and our bodies can only produce nine of these in suffficient qualtities, meaning that the other thirteen must be obtained from the diet. If you're building muscle, you need a lot of protein, and that protein has to have the right amino acid ratio. You don't want to be short of the aminos your body can't produce or you will never see results. These amino acids play important roles throughout the body, not just in muscle building, but also in recovery and general health.
Gen Tec Essental Amino Acids contain a balanced ratio of the thirteen essential amino acids, and nothing else. This ultra-pure, pharmaceutical grade product is a perfect companion to a healthy diet and an active lifestyle.
Gen-Tec Essential Amino Acids
- Is Gen-Tec's Amino acids as pure as other EAAs and BCAAs?
Gen-Tec uses 100% Pharmaceutical Grade EAA's for this product, therefore it is the purest form attainable.
- When are Essential Amino acids most useful?
Gen-Tec's Essential Amino Acids can be best incorporated during workouts or during longer periods of fasting such as before going to bed, this will help prevent the body of going into a catabolic state (muscle breakdown process)
- Can Gen-Tec's EAA's be mixed with preworkouts?
Yes, Essential amino acids can be mixed with preworkout beverages to make it taste even better.
- Does Gen-Tec Amino Acids have any flavouring?
This product is made natural with no flavourings or colourings and therefore does not have any particular taste, it is recommended that you mix it with your preferred beverage such as preworkout or intraworkout.
- Will Gen-Tec Essential Amino Acids replace a good diet?
Essential Amino Acids can be helpful especially for those who struggle to get all of their daily protein requirements, however, it would not be as effective as when paired with nutritional diet.
- What is the difference between BCAA's and Essential Amino Acids?
While BCAA's only contain the main 3 amino acids, Gen-Tec's Essential Amino acids contain a total of 13 Essential Aminos for Muscle Building & Recovery.
- Can Gen-Tec Essential Amino Acids help with building muscle?
Essential Amino Acids are the same aminos found in primary proteins such as meat and eggs. Because consuming these allows for the aid in the muscle recovery process, consuming these along with a balance diet and training can help with building muscle.
- Hi.. Just wondering if these are vegan..? Thank you.. James
As it does not specify clearly that it is vegan free I cannot say for sure it is vegan free.
You could try calling up the company to verify though.

This product will become a reoccurring purchase for me.