Pure D-Aspartic Acid Supplement
- 100% Pharmaceutical Grade D-AA
- Boost Muscle Strength & Lean Muscle Mass
- Optimize Testosterone Synthesis
- Increase Strength & Maximize Fat Loss

Gen-Tec Nutrition - D-aspartic acid (DAA) is a pivotal amino in the regulation of testosterone synthesis and one of the few substances proven to boost testosterone synthesis when taken orally. Gen-Tec only use 100% pharmaceutical grade DAA ensuring you get the most potent and pure DAA available. Used as part of a complete diet, training and supplement program, Gen-Tec D-Aspartic Acid can help boost muscle strength and lean mass.
Gen-Tec D-Aspartic Acid
- Will Gen-Tec D-Aspartic Acid help with building muscle?
Gen-Tec D-Aspartic Acid helps to support testosterone levels, having higher testosterone levels can assist the muscle building process.
- Can Gen-Tec D-Aspartic Acid be stacked with anything?
Yes, this would make for a great product to be stacked with other test boosting products such as tribulus.
- How much D-Aspartic Acid should I be taking prior to my workout?
Simply consume 600mg of D-Aspartic Acid 15 - 30 minutes before your workout, this is about 1/5 of a teaspoon.
- What is Gen-Tec's D-Aspartic Acid used for?
Gen-Tec D-Aspartic Acid is an amino acid that can be used pre workout for testosterone support.